Rajon’s favorite videos from 2017

You know that a skate video is good if you:

  • have a sudden urge to go skate after watching that video;
  • have a desire to imitate tricks from that video;
  • have a desire to dress like skaters in that video;
  • have a desire to be skaters in that video;
  • replay the song from that video in your head;
  • have a desire to tell your friends about that video;
  • have a feeling that you are smarter than everybody else who haven’t seen that video yet;
  • consider buying some expensive gear promoted in that video;
  • have a desire to re-watch that video.
    The last one is the most important probably. You know that if you want to re-watch something, it is good. So, we bring you Rajon’s list of the most re-watched videos 2017.
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