Saturday is the filming day for these games,  we also try to start early. You can guess that some “athletes” are not in their best shape on Saturday morning. Although, there are cases when getting hammered the night before worked as a benefit (Deda filmed his R.USH HOUR part in 3 hours after a heavy night out), with games of skate it is unpredictable. In case of Roberts Potašs it worked out fine, whereas Aleksis Sokolovs showed much worse results, and they both were out the night before. Is it good to be hungover, is it bad? Somebody needs to make a research about that. Meanwhile, here is the next game which might have some answers.

Btw Rudolfs rides for Clockwise skateshop! He skates Antiz boards with artsy graphics. 

Doing everything we can to have the next exciting games delivered to you as soon as possible.

Next weekend we have Latvian skateboarding super starts!!!!!!!

Miks Grantiņš vs Rudolfs Henčels

Deda vs Karlis Bogustovs

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