Young gun Artis Strazdiņs from Cesis is playing a mysterious tall individual that goes by the name of Aleksis Sokolovs. They both have a pretty good chance of getting the win. Artis trained hard all summer in his high tech outdoor training facility in Cesis. Aleksis, on the other hand, has recently spent some time in Barcelona where he polished his flat ground skills. Aleksis has long legs that help him make semi amazing tricks, and Artis has this young skater energy that most of either never had or lost a long time ago. Anyway, the game promises to be nice! Enjoy!
We are proud to announce that we are entering a new era of RajonTV Game of Skate Championship. Let us introduce you the Smart Interactive Score Board™. This device allows us to track the score in real-time, which means no more miscounts by our refs. Our analytics predict 98% less score related disinformation during matches. This innovation was made possible by our handy engineer Fricis Štrauss.

Game vapshe bomba, Alex norm tam paprikolam izlika pacanu, respect!